Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nate the Painter

The fella who's painting our custom chopper rides one of the most unique XS650's we've seen. Nate, a painter for Ardcore Choppers, is a rider. And we don't mean the kind that wears high-dollar leathers or patches that prove how many miles he's ridden in so many hours. He doesn't claim allegiance to a European moto-brand or belong to popular touring groups, but he does log many, many hours in the saddle. He's a rider that talks himself into riding when it's probably too cold to enjoy it. His bike leaks a bit, has dings in the rear wheel, has less than an inch of travel on the front forks and a rigid rear end, but it exudes so much more style than insanely expensive, billet-bedazzled V-Twins. Its simple authenticity and intentional homage to the 70s turns heads everywhere it goes. Watch the vid!

Tip: Click HQ to watch in high quality if you're on a high speed connection.

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