Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Top Ten States

It's cool to see that our moto-documentary has found its way to folks all across the U.S. Here's the top 10 states that have purchased the most DVDs. Thanks everyone!

1. Florida
2. California
3. Tennessee
4. Virginia
5. Ohio
6. Texas
7. Indiana
8. North Carolina
9. Georgia
10. Kentucky

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nate the Painter

The fella who's painting our custom chopper rides one of the most unique XS650's we've seen. Nate, a painter for Ardcore Choppers, is a rider. And we don't mean the kind that wears high-dollar leathers or patches that prove how many miles he's ridden in so many hours. He doesn't claim allegiance to a European moto-brand or belong to popular touring groups, but he does log many, many hours in the saddle. He's a rider that talks himself into riding when it's probably too cold to enjoy it. His bike leaks a bit, has dings in the rear wheel, has less than an inch of travel on the front forks and a rigid rear end, but it exudes so much more style than insanely expensive, billet-bedazzled V-Twins. Its simple authenticity and intentional homage to the 70s turns heads everywhere it goes. Watch the vid!

Tip: Click HQ to watch in high quality if you're on a high speed connection.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Positive Feedback

We're thankful for the good people who've emailed their thoughts about Why They Ride. It's a good feeling to know that our moto-documentary has touched the lives of others and inspired folks to get out and ride. Here are some recent notes we've received:

"Hey, great DVD! I have watched it 4 times and I am continuing to enjoy it!"

"I just finished watching Why They Ride and I really truly absolutely loved it! The documentary has such heart. So many parts just made me smile ear to ear. What I really liked was that the documentary was so inspiring about humanity and the beauty of life as well as about motorcycles."

"The DVD was wonderful. It was far better than some big budget productions I have seen. The soundtrack was great."

"I viewed the movie last evening and truly enjoyed it, particularly the human interest segments that you included. It's easy to tell that you had fun putting this together."

Thanks to all who write and share their thoughts!!